MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.6pr5
- Added DynaPDF.RenderPDFFileEx, DynaPDF.FileAttachAnnotEx and DynaPDF.ExtractText.
- Renamed existing DynaPDF.ExtractText to DynaPDF.ExtractTextOld. New function does the same, but now part of DynaPDF itself and not a helper function from our plugin.
- Added Command-F shortcut to show find bar in text views, so you can search calculations, custom functions and more.
- Added Command-Option-C shortcut to copy text with formatting for calculation fields.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetAddFindbars and SyntaxColoring.SetAddFindbars function.
- Changed FM.InsertRecordCSV and FM.InsertRecordTSV to detect whether columns are numbers instead of text and handle it correctly.
- Added PrintDialog.GetConfiguration and PrintDialog.SetConfiguration functions.
- Added allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs parameter for WebView.SetPreferences.
- Added example for Swiss QR-Code for invoices (ISO 20022).
- Fixed bug in GMImage.Composite with 4th parameter.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 4.2.1.