Load RAW image on MacOS with options
dim options as new Dictionary
dim d1 as Double = BaselineExposureSlider.Value
dim d2 as Double = BoostSlider.Value
dim d3 as Double = BoostShadowAmountSlider.Value
options.Value(CIFilterMBS.kCIInputBaselineExposureKey ) = d1/100.0
options.Value(CIFilterMBS.kCIInputBoostKey) = d2/100.0
options.Value(CIFilterMBS.kCIInputBoostShadowAmountKey) = d3/100.0
dim f as CIFilterMBS = CIFilterMBS.filterWithImageFile(file, options)
pic = f.outputImage.RenderPictureWithAlpha
As you see, we have file property with folder item for the RAW file. We ask the system to load image and return a CIFilter setup for the image. This filter is configured with various options like baseline exposure to allow to change exposure. Than we can ask filter for the rendered output image or ask for content compressed as PNG or JPEG to save to disk.
See CIFilterMBS.filterWithImageFile for details.