MBS Xojo Plugins, version 17.6pr3

- Changed OptionCAINFO, OptionCAPATH, OptionCookieFile, OptionCookieJar, OptionIssuerCert, OptionNETRCFile, OptionRandomFile, OptionSSHPrivateKeyfile, OptionSSHPublicKeyfile, OptionSSLCert, OptionSSLKey for CURL to use always UTF-8 on Mac and to do the unicode transformation for decomposed characters to avoid trouble with special characters in file paths.
- Fixed an issue with exception handling on 64-bit Linux introduced in 17.3.
- Fixed an issue in file handling from pr1 where file path was freed instead of decreasing reference count.
- Added camera configuration properties for RaspberryPiCameraMBS class.
- Fixed bugs with DynaPDF Print and scaling pages for some printers.
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