MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.6pr2
- Added JSON functions for LDAP: LDAP.AddJSON, LDAP.JSON and LDAP.ModifyJSON.
- Changed SQL.SetParamAsDateTime and SQL.SetParamAsDate to set param to NULL if you pass empty value.
- Fixed an issue with Audit for FileMaker 11.
- Changed PDFKit.WriteToPath to report errors better.
- Fixed SystemInfo.UserName for Linux. Returns usually fmserver.
- Fixed EnvironmentVariables.Names to not crash on Linux.
- Added App.EffectiveUserID, App.ProcessID and App.UserID.
- For FileMaker Cloud we now redirect plugin output to ServerScriptingPluginsStdErr.log and ServerScriptingPluginsStdOut.log in /FileMakerData/Logs directory.
- Fixed IsIOS and added IsIOSSimulator and IsIOSDevice functions.
- Switched to Xcode 9.2.
- Fixed little but with out of bounds NSArray access for FileMaker 16.