MBS Xojo Plugins, version 17.4pr5

- Updated CoreLocation, Contacts and FSEvents for future.
- Added more CoreImage Filter classes for the future.
- Added new CoreImage Barcode classes for the future.
- Changed Linux plugins to include build number in SONAME field so OS can distinguish different versions better.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated NSSpellCheckerMBS class for 64-bit.
- Added more methods for UDPSockets to RAWSocketMBS class.
- Fixed crash with WindowsClipboardMBS and Xojo 2015, introduced in pr3.
- Changed CURL functions to explicit flush output files after Perform finished.
- Added CGEventTapMBS class to catch events low-level on macOS.
- Added CGEventMBS class.
- Updated SFPasswordAssistantMBS for 64-bit.
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