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Interest for UK Xojo event in November 2017?

It is still a lot of time till XDC in April. You probably all sign up till end of October to get the $200 discount on the XDC Ticket, right?

So how about a smaller local event in London again?

We could go back to the Antoinette Hotel in Wimbledon, which is located a bit outside of London, so more affordable, but still you can just take a train to center London easily from Wimbledon.

If interest is good, I'd love to organise an event:
  • Thursday an optional Xojo training day with me for beginner/intermediate level.
  • Thursday the great buffet dinner
  • Friday a conference day with a few presentations.
  • Friday evening dinner together
  • and you can stay the weekend and visit London!
Here is a survey to find interest:

Please let me know if you are interested, so I can put all people on the list.
Questions? The biggest plugin in space...
24 08 17 - 10:07