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FileMaker consultants with MBS Knowledge

Quite a couple of FileMaker users and developers ask for help on implementing MBS Plugin functions in FileMaker solutions. So I'd like to start with a list of MBS aware consultants for FileMaker projects:

cross solutionsArmin Egginger & Dr. Adam G. Augustincross-solutions.deMunich, Germany
Datastudio d.o.o.Dejan Sunikdatastudio.siLog pri Brezovici, Slowenija
Denkform GmbHThorsten & Lars Seligerdenkform.netHofheim im Taunus, Germany
Filemakergarage e. K.Nils Waldherrfilemakergarage.comBerlin, Germany
Keeneight l.l.c.Stefano Morandottikeeneight.comWashington, MI, USA
MaltacodeDick Impensmaltacode.comMalta & Netherlands

In general they can speak English and the local language of their country. For some projects, you may want to find someone nearby, but most times someone from anywhere could help. See also FileMaker's partner locator website.

Like to be added to my list? Please contact me. Claris FileMaker Plugin
09 08 17 - 11:22