Automate creation of Database Design Reports in FileMaker
For a recent project I needed to export over 400 FileMaker databases to html reports. But FileMaker is not really scriptable. With FileMaker 16 you need permissions to use AppleScripts per database and that's not practical for this. While FM.RunDataDesignReport is convenient for inside a solution, it's also not applicable for a lot of databases. So I came to use an AppleScript to control FileMaker and click the right buttons for me:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
set frontmost to true
delay 0.5
-- menu
tell menu bar item "Tools" of menu bar 1
click menu item "Database Design Report..." of menu 1
end tell
delay 0.5
-- options
click radio button "HTML 1 of 2" of window "Database Design Report"
if (value of checkbox "Automatically open report when done" of window 1) = 1 then
click checkbox "Automatically open report when done" of window 1
end if
delay 0.5
-- create
click button "Create" of window 1
delay 0.5
-- save
click button "Save" of window 1
delay 0.5
-- close
set frontmost to true
keystroke "w" using command down
end tell
This script can be called when you have a FileMaker database open. It will trigger menu command to open the Database Design Report dialog and click some options save the html report. Works fine here and I successfully created all those reports.
![Claris FileMaker Plugin](/images/fmplugin17.jpg)