JPEGs to Movie

QTPictureMovieTrackMBS class. This works fine in Real Studio applications on Mac and Windows, but QuickTime is deprecated. You can still use it in Xojo (32-bit Mac), but you need to use our plugin classes to create movie and pass a movie handle.
Newer projects on Mac should move to use AVFoundation plugin, e.g. AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorMBS class as you see in our examples. For example see the example project Make Video From Images.
A third way for a cross platform project is my new class JPEGMovieMBS.
This class simply writes a QuickTime Movie file without using QuickTime, so it should works cross platform. The movie has only one track with JPEG compressed picture data. You can specify the width and height, duration per picture and of course the JPEGs to include.
There is an example:
// get a picture dim p as Picture = LogoMBS(500) // start movie building dim m as new JPEGMovieMBS m.Width = 500 m.Height = 500 m.SecondsPerFrame = 0.5 // add frames where we count up for i as integer = 1 to 20 dim c as new Picture(500, 500) dim g as Graphics = c.Graphics g.ForeColor = &c000000 g.TextSize = 50 g.DrawPicture p, 0, 0 g.DrawString str(i), 20, 50 dim j as string = c.GetData(c.FormatJPEG) m.AddFrame j next // generate movie dim MovieData as string = m.BuildMovie // and write to file dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("") dim b as BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(f, true)
b.Write MovieData
Maybe someone finds it useful. For me it works nice. The videos can be played in QuickTime player and VLC. Windows Media Player can't decode them.