Xojo and FileMaker meetings in Arizona

Now I stay a few extra days in Phoenix and I thought we could have a meeting for local Xojo and FileMaker developers:
Xojo Meeting in Phoenix
Xojo Meeting in Tucson
FileMaker meeting
I know I have over 20 Xojo developers using my plugins in Phoenix alone. A few more live down in Tucson, so maybe I could make a trip to visit Tucson and meet them.
And a few FileMaker people may not be able to join the conference, but still have time for a casual meeting.
So my offer as usual: I reserve a table in a nice restaurant and be there. You can join and we can shop talk all night. Ask me plugin questions, bring your laptop and show projects.
If you are interested, please add yourself to the survey. And please make sure I know your email address, so I can contact you with details on the location. Suggestions are welcome!