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MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.0 - More than 4400 Functions In One Plugin

Nickenich, Germany - (January 23rd, 2017) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.0 for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.0 has been updated and now includes over 4400 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

New functions help you read details from X509 certificate files. You can read PKCS12 files and extract public and private keys as well as additional certificates. You can than write keys or certificates as PEM files and use them with our CURL functions.

Our new XML functions help you find nodes and attributes in XML text. You can extract text and subtrees. To process XML efficiently you can let the plugin read XML and put values in local variables in your script.

For CURL we added new functions to batch download files via FTP. Of course you can still query yourself the list of files via plugin in a directory and than download several files one after each other. But now we have options to do this all in one transfer and with the use of wildcards to specify which files to fetch.

Using the new function FM.AllowFileDragDrop you can allow users to drag and drop container with files from FileMaker to other applications, e.g. the Finder. And if needed you can switch this on/off on layout changes.

For DynaPDF we added new functions to query or set raw content of a page. You can rotate page templates and add page links or watermark annotations to your PDF pages.

As FileMaker on Mac is now 64-bit in most cases, we include an Apple Script to create 32 or 64-bit only plugin. The MBS Plugin in our plugin download is for both and you can split it to get a smaller plugin file if needed.

The functions to work on Word files have been improved. They should now be able to replace tags with multi line texts. And if you have a table in your template, we can now remove rows there, too.

When you run SQL queries in FileMaker using our FM.SQL.Execute functions, you can later query result as text. Or we provide the results properly encoded for CSV export.

We improved PrintDialog, PortMidi, LDAP, Audit, ImageCapture, SerialPort line reading, SmartCard, SQL functions and more. DynaPDF is updated to, LibXL to version 3.7.2 and SQLite to 3.16.2.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.
23 01 17 - 11:20