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FileMaker User Meeting after MBS Plugin Training

Today I enjoyed the training day with a group of enthusiastic FileMaker developers and our plugin at the DenkForm office. We checked recent features and walked through dozens of example databases to explain how things work.

Later we met for the monthly FileMaker meeting in Rhein Main area:

We had nice discussions about recent announcements from Apple and FileMaker, new Macbook Pros, the recent FileMaker conferences, my Xojo conference next year, FileMaker's way of doing business now, the staff changes in Munich, per country pricing, recent and upcoming MBS Plugin features including TouchBar, FileMaker's Cloud options, Runtime future, FileMaker Pro with Connections vs. FLT, FileMaker iOS SDK possibilities, FileMaker & macOS Sierra issues including printing bug, the question of Internet Explorer version in Webviewer and much more.

Please visit your local FileMaker user group and connect to local developers to exchange knowledge and learn what is new in FileMaker.

The next training day will be 3rd March 2017, see events section.
If there is a group of interested people for an english speaking training day in an area, we may organize one.
Or one in your company for your staff?
03 11 16 - 23:24