Thoughts about FileMaker app
- FileMaker
- No editing features or create database. Just open database and use it.
- Free to download on FileMaker website without registration, in Mac App Store and Microsoft App Store.
- Requires connection license on server when used with server
- Self containing app.
No templates included. Plugins and dictionaries need to be in Library/Application Support folders. - Can use local database for free, so it can replace runtimes or start with local database to later connect to server.
e.g. open last database opened or some default database placed in Library/Application Support folder. - More or less same as FileMaker Go, but for desktop.
- Could have help entry and/or start/end splash screen to tell people to get FileMaker Developer to build own solution or FileMaker Server for multi user functionality.
- Could be preinstalled by Apple on Macs in all stores and come with good start databases to demonstrate people what FileMaker can do.
- Could be given away by people with their database to demonstrate software to potential clients.
- FileMaker Pro
- The existing FileMaker Pro marketed as the enhanced FileMaker application which offers editing and creating databases for the ordinary user.
- Brings connection license for FileMaker Server with application (like now)
- Can be licensed perpetual, annually or in volume like now.
- FileMaker Developer
- Same as current Pro Advanced, but makes clear in name that it is intended for the people building solutions.
And I really expect anyone who writes scripts wants the debugger! - Include a free Server license for n connections and limited to n databases. N could be small, maybe just 2. Or maybe limit it to require to be on same machine as FileMaker Developer.
- Can be licensed perpetual, annually or in volume like now.
- Same as current Pro Advanced, but makes clear in name that it is intended for the people building solutions.
What do you think about this? Please comment on vote on the ideas page.