SQLite3 command line tool in Xojo

dim arguments() as string
dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.sqlite")
dim o as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("out.csv")
arguments.Append "sqlite3" // path to app
arguments.Append f.NativePath
arguments.Append "-csv"
arguments.Append "-header"
arguments.Append "-cmd"
arguments.Append ".output "+o.NativePath
arguments.Append "-cmd"
arguments.Append "select * from Documentation;"
dim n as integer = InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS.Shell(arguments)
As our plugin supports encryption (SEE), JSON extension and full text indexing (FTS5), you can benefit from those, too. I think a few things can easily be automated in Xojo using this new interface. Please make sure you have the same database not open in your Xojo app the same time to avoid cache issues when writing to database.