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Tip of the day: Show debugger in FileMaker from within a script

As we discovered today, we can have a script open the debugger. We can check the menu in FileMaker and if the debugger is not visible, we show it: 

#The menu command as we got it from Menubar.ListMenuCommands

Set Variable [$DebuggerMenuID; Value:49260]

#Do we have a debugger?

If [MBS( "Menubar.HasMenuCommand"; $DebuggerMenuID ) = 1]

#Is it activate already?

If [MBS( "Menubar.IsMenuCommandChecked"; $DebuggerMenuID ) = 1]

#debugger already visible


#show debugger

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "Menubar.RunMenuCommand"; $DebuggerMenuID )]

Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): ,1]

End If

End If


#now follows your script that should always run in debugger

The new command Menubar.IsMenuCommandChecked will be part of 6.3pr3 soon. If you like to try, please don't hesitate to contact us. 
Claris FileMaker Plugin
17 06 16 - 20:52