MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.4

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,200 classes featuring over 57,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console.
Some of the highlights on the 15.4 update:
We happy to ship our first Xojo plugins supporting both 64-bit targets and Raspberry Pi. In general everything what is working on Linux should now work on Raspberry Pi, too. For 64-bit all classes should work, except those using deprecated APIs from Apple. But those are marked as deprecated in the plugin. Features not supported for 64-bit include QuickTime and ATS classes. We even have some 64-bit only classes for EventKit and Social frameworks from Apple. Be aware that for SQL Plugin and other plugins using external libraries, you may need new libraries for 64-bit.
If you need to sign text or data and later verify whether the signature is valid, you can now use our elliptic curve signature functions. You generate a private and public key. With the private key you can sign a piece of data. Someone else can now verify the data integrity by checking the signature with the public key.
Our new JavaScript classes for Mac allow to run JavaScript without HTMLViewer. You can get/set properties, evaluate JavaScript expression or execute JavaScript functions. From JavaScript you can call back to your Xojo code via an event.
For users of Microsoft Word we have a few functions for Mac, Windows and Linux to edit Word files (docx and xml Format) and replace placeholder texts with text. You can use this to personalize word files with texts from your database.
For our SQL Plugin we got a new ConnectMT method to do the connecting to a database on a preemptive thread, so the connect will not block the user interface of your application. For date fields we improved the handling, so you now get a nil instead of a bad date value. We updated SQLite to version 3.9.2 including support for FTS5 and JSON extensions.
Finally we got new spline calculation class, better email parsing, support for RC5 cipher and new functions to read text tracks in AVFoundation.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.