Embedded SQLite and encryption
Now we have a SQLite internal library already for some time in Xojo. With next prerelease we add that for FileMaker. So with both tools you can now use MBS SQL functions and use the internal SQLite library. This frees you from providing yourself a dylib/dll file. Currently we use version, but can update at any time. If you need a specific extension for SQLite, we can also check if we can enable it by default. Currently we support column metadata, full text search, soundex and thread safety.
Another thing we add with next prerelease is encryption. We licensed the SQLite Encryption Extension and include it now by default. You can use it to access SQLite databases using our plugin with AES 128 OFB, AES 256 OFB and RC4 encryption. The AES 128 mode is the same as in Xojo (or Real Studio).
To enable encryption, please use in FileMaker the SQL.SQLite3.SetKey function after connecting. In Xojo we have SQLiteEncryptionKey properties in both SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS classes. If you set those, the plugin will apply the key after connecting automatically for you. Alternatively you can use SetKey method in SQLite3MBS class directly.
Interested in testing, please contact us soon to get a copy to try or wait for the next prerelease to be uploaded.