xDev Magazine Issue 13.5
Here's a quick preview of what's inside:
* Spot the Error * by Markus Winter
Errors with different integer types can be extremely subtle. What happens when you convert from one type to another? What about overflow errors? Markus challenges you to "Spot the Error" and explains what's really going on.
* Simple Is Better * by Mark Strickland
We're programmers -- we naturally like to make things complicated. But sometimes simple is a better approach, especially when it comes to user interfaces. Mark writes about how he used the simplest interface of all -- cell phone text messaging -- to create an electronic time clock system that employees in the field can use without a computer or even a smartphone.
* Tracking Medications for Personal Health * by JC Cruz
You might think a personal health journal is all about tracking your exercise, heart rate, and other details, but keeping your medications
up-to-date is also critical. Jose explains how that works in his ongoing health project.
Plus articles on Xojo open source software, database design tools, making document-based applications, tips, and much more.