Handling tab in Listbox
The code below helps here. I use it in several projects and normally customise it heavily. For example you could add cursor keys to it or other keys beside tab key.
You call it from CellKeyDown event like this:
EventHandler Function CellKeyDown(row as Integer, column as Integer, key as String) As Boolean
if HandleTabInList(me, row, column, key) then Return true
End EventHandler
Here is the HandleTabInList method which you may want to copy to a module:
Function HandleTabInList(list as listbox, row as integer, column as integer, key as String) As Boolean
// Handle tab character in Listbox.CellKeyDown event
Select case asc(key)
case 9
if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then
// back
// look for column left
for i as integer = column-1 downto 0
if list.ColumnType(i) >= list.TypeEditable then
list.EditCell(row, i)
Return true
end if
// not found, so look in row before
row = row - 1
if row >= 0 then
for i as integer = list.ColumnCount-1 downto 0
if list.ColumnType(i) >= list.TypeEditable then
list.EditCell(row, i)
Return true
end if
end if
// forward
// look for column right
for i as integer = column+1 to list.ColumnCount-1
if list.ColumnType(i) >= list.TypeEditable then
list.EditCell(row, i)
Return true
end if
// not found, so look in row below
row = row + 1
if row < list.ListCount then
for i as integer = 0 to list.ColumnCount-1
if list.ColumnType(i) >= list.TypeEditable then
list.EditCell(row, i)
Return true
end if
end if
end if
end Select
End Function
As you see in the code, we handle tab and shift + tab for moving back and forward. Also we wrap to previous/next row if needed. Feel free to extend this to wrap from last to first row or create a new row for editing.