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Notes from the Xojo Keynote

You probably read more soon from Xojo's blog, Marc Zeedar's magazine or Bob Keeney's blog, but here are some notes from me:

For Xojo Cloud gets an updated price list and will double RAM and bandwidth numbers and get more virtual CPUs.

New in Web Apps: Drag and Drop. Asynchronous API without drag events. Just specify allowed data types and drag types (copy, link, move) and wait for drop events. You can specify a style for the control for drag being over.

On 64-bit support, Geoff showed a Feedback app in 64-bit running both on OS X and Windows built with LLVM.

The IDE get improvements soon with less tabs, less mouse usage and more keyboard use and less palettes/panes and better project navigation.

Xojo will add support for Linux ARM for targeting raspberry pi platform and similar.

There will be a new plugin format, written in Xojo including C libraries, images and sounds. And new plugins are per project. Source code is not included, just LLVM compiled code. That is the new plugin format for the future, but the old SDK will also be updated for 64-bit, too.

For iOS a few new changes are on the way to go including container controls, custom alert dialogs and custom table cells.

Retina support should finally come in Q4 and they also work on Windows high dpi support.
29 04 15 - 16:33