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MBS FileMaker Plugin debugging help

You may know already that MBS Plugin enhances the script editor on Mac with line numbers, script step colors, calculation colors and if enabled variable declaration check.


Typo suggestions


Now with version 5.0 we have some more enhancements. If you have a typo in your function name, you get a message. So the call MBS("ersio") returns now "[MBS] Unknown function: ersio. Did you mean Version?". Our plugin simply scans internal function list to find a function name which matches best to the given function name. You can of course use similar best match search for your own solutions with the List.BestMatch and QuickList.BestMatch functions.




Next you can get notifications for script errors. Run Trace.EnableErrorNotifications function once to enable this feature on your Mac. Whenever a script error happens, you'll see this notification showing the error message and the function name:



Be sure to disable it when going into production so your users don't see the notifications. You should check in your scripts for errors and handle them gracefully.




Please also use Trace functions. The Trace function will make sure that for every function call to the plugin, you get a log entry with parameters and result. For version 5.0 we added logging of script triggers. Trace can either log to a file or to the system debug log. So pass a native path, e.g. on Mac "/tmp/test.txt". Or simply use Console.app on Mac or install DebugView app on Windows. DebugView on Windows can be run as administrator and enabled to capture global Win32 in order to see log messages from FileMaker server. Below a sample script to decide how to log for various cases:


If [Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 3]

#iOS, no plugin

Exit Script []

End If

If [MBS("IsServer")]

If [MBS( "SystemInfo.isMacOSX" )]

If [Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 4]

#Server on Mac for WebDirect

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Trace"; "/tmp/TraceFMServerWebDirect.txt")]


#Server on Mac 

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Trace"; "/tmp/TraceFMServer.txt")]

End If


#Server on Windows

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Trace")]

#read via DebugView app running as admin with Global Win32 capture enabled

End If


If [MBS( "SystemInfo.isMacOSX" )]

#Client on Mac

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Trace")]

#read via Console.app


#Client on Windows

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("Trace")]

#read via DebugView app

End If

End If


As you see we use two log files for Mac server, depending if the plugin is loaded for web direct or normal server.




A common problem we see with people is wrong registration. When you work with clients and servers, it can get confusing. While the plugin allows you to use a runtime or server license for one seat to develop, please don't use a server or runtime license regularly for clients. A registration script can go like this:


If [Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 3]

# iOS, no plugin to register

Exit Script []

End If

If [MBS("isRegistered")]

# already registered


# register

If [MBS("IsServer")]

Set Variable [$r; Value:Evaluate("MBS(\"Register\"; " & MBSPlugin::LicenseKeyServer & ")")]

Else If [MBS("isRuntime")]

Set Variable [$r; Value:Evaluate("MBS(\"Register\"; " & MBSPlugin::LicenseKeyRuntime & ")")]


Set Variable [$r; Value:Evaluate("MBS(\"Register\"; " & MBSPlugin::LicenseKeyClient & ")")]

End If

End If


So first we exit early for iOS as there is no plugin for iOS. Than we check if plugin is registered already and do nothing in that case. Else we check the platform and use the appropriated registration key. In our case with Evaluate as the registration key is in a text field.


Using isRegistered function is better than a global variable and certainly it is better to call such a script from various places where you need the plugin to make sure you are registered. With FileMaker Server the script engine may crash and restart. In that case the plugin is loaded again and registration needs to be applied again.


Or you use our StoreRegistration function and save the registration to preferences file (Mac) or registry (Windows).

Update: For FileMaker Server on Mac OS X you can see messages in /Library/FileMaker Server/Logs/stderr file.
27 02 15 - 17:42