MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.0

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,100 classes featuring over 54,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console.
Some of the highlights on the 15.0 update:
Our newest plugin version has several enhancement for networking. First we added a couple of LDAP classes to query directory services. Than we added a new CURL class to run multiple transfers efficiently on the main thread and still in background. With improvements to Bonjour classes we can now query IPs for domain names in background without blocking application. Finally SSH Session now allows to connect with timeout.
On Windows the new player class can play MP3 files with various options like rate, pitch and volume. Our system information module can now properly detect Windows 8.1. We have a new class to get notifications when a drive mounts or unmounts on Windows.
For DynaPDF we added new methods to close and sign a PDF on Windows using the certificates installed on the computer. We got new classes for view ports, system fonts and geospatial coordinate data. Most DynaPDF classes now have private constructor to avoid coding errors.
For Addressbook on OS X we have new controls ABPeoplePickerViewControlMBS and ABPersonViewControlMBS. Using those controls you can have a person or group picker or a viewer for an addressbook entry in your Xojo windows. The new account class helps to handle multiple accounts better. And ABMultiValueMBS class got improved for easier use and better debugging.
If you need audio playback on OS X, the CoreAudioListenerMBS class informs you about events like changes in the audio setup. Our AUPlayerMBS class now allows to switch from timepitch to varispeed audio units while playing for better adjustments of pitch and rate properties.
More improvements are made to Barcode, AVFoundation, Twain, TAPI, CoreText, LCMS2 and Quicklook classes. A couple of new cocoa classes help with status items, toolbar item groups, file wrappers and text attachments.
The plugin is updated for Xojo 2015r1 SDK and support new text data type in several cases. We updated DynaPDF to version, PCRE to 8.36, OpenSSL to 1.0.1j, libPNG to 1.6.14, libJPEG to 9.1, GraphicsMagick to 1.3.20, CURL to 7.39.0, LibXL to 3.6.1 and LCMS2 to 2.7fc1.