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New in this prerelease of the 15.0 plugins:
- Added more properties to CTFontMBS and CTFontDescroptionMBS
- Added NSStatusBarButtonMBS class.
- Fixed QuickTimePresentMBS function.
- Added TimeOut Parameter for SSHSessionMBS constructor.
- Fixed problem with MacHIDMBS not loading on older OS X versions.
- Changed SQLCommandMBS to allow again setting connection to nil.
- Added parameter for compression to PNGWriterMBS.SetHeader.
- Added JPEGExporterMBS.DCTMethod property.
- Updated LCMS2 to 2.7fc1 and a few fixes.
- Added CIImageMBS.imageByApplyingOrientation function.
- Added handle properties to MacHIDMBS class.
- Fixed memory leak in JSONMBS when adding objects (Circle reference between parent and child).
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
13 02 15 - 20:32