Xojo 2014r3

If you like to see a review, you can check Bob Keeney's article here:
For the prices changes, see the Xojo blog article:
There is some news on 64-bit progress:
On the Plugin side nothing changed. Plugins still run the same. There is not yet an updated plugin SDK with new things like access to text data type or the new auto data type. While we can use the UInteger type, I prefer to use UInt64 instead for backwards compatibility.
Sorry, but there are no plugins for iOS. There is no plugin SDK yet and no timeframe given. I'd hope we could soon find a way with one of the next releases to link in static libs, so we could provide features like DynaPDF, ChartDirector and SQL to iOS.
And if you use our MBS Plugins with the new Xojo release, please upgrade to current plugins. At least you should have version 14.3. Of course 14.4 or 14.5 betas may be better.