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The real value of conferences is meeting people in the lobby and later at the bar. The sessions are nice and you may learn something new, especially if you are new to a topic. So this month I visited three FileMaker conferences and meet more than 400 FileMaker developers from Europe. Also some Canadians from Quebec found their way to the french conference. I even had my first plugin presentation with speaking a few french sentences. And due to my local Xojo meetings, I also met over a dozen Xojo developers.

Within the last 3 weeks we got 50 new functions for our Xojo plugin. And over 80 new functions for our FileMaker plugin. This includes new functions for RichText, JSON, Container, EyeOne and Regular Expression.

For a conference, you can bring your computer with current projects. Talk about problems you have and ask the Pros for help. Learn new things and try them in your projects. Especially if you have crashes, you can give project to an engineer from Xojo/FileMaker and let them reproduce and debug the problem. Maybe you get a fix or workaround directly. Finally you make new friends and learn which engineer to ask for help in case of a specific problem.

So next year, I hope to see you all next April in Austin, Texas for the Xojo Developer Conference and later in July the FileMaker Developer Conference in Las Vegas.
28 10 14 - 15:01