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.fmp[x]Berlin 2015

BERLIN, GERMANY, September 1, 2014:
Egbert A. Friedrich of herrfriedrich.com is pleased to announce the third edition of .fmp[x]Berlin, THE pan-European Unconference for FileMaker Developer. It will take place in Berlin from June, 4 - 6, 2015.

With the kind support and participation of some of the finest brains in Europe it has become one of the most inspiring and indispensable events in the FileMaker-World to share knowledge on a higher level. The necessity of such an event lead to the decision to hold this each year beginning of June.

Further information can always be found here first: www.dotfmp.com or by following us on twitter @dotfmp
The registration will open as soon as the location is final!
All data from the previous event is still available here: dotfmp.com/2014

herrfriedrich.com is one of the few FileMaker Platinum Members in Central Europe, FileMaker Trainer and FileMaker Certified Developer since v9 Claris FileMaker Plugin
02 09 14 - 10:17