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New in this prerelease of the 14.0 plugins:
- Fixed DarwinChmodMBS.Flags and Gen properties.
- Updated AVFoundation to Mac OS X 10.9 APIs. 400 new/updated functions.
- Updated AVFoundation to use variant tags everywhere. Please try to avoid reference cycles.
- Rewrote PermissionsMBS class with newer API. There is a switch to retain old behavior, but you should use newer one.
- Updated some functions for 64bit: VolumeFreeSizeMBS, VolumeSizeMBS and GetDoubleClickIntervalMBS.
- Added Cocoa implementation for OpenDialogMBS with new options.
- Fixed issue with registration engine for 64bit.
- Fixed bug in DarwinChmodMBS.chflags.
- Added AVFoundationMBS.WriteCGImageToFile method so you can write CGImage to file in a background thread and get an WriteCGImageToFileCompleted Event later.
- Improved speed on SQL plugin for reading integers from SQLite databases. Much faster now!
- Fixed a few cases in CIImageMBS methods where passing nil parameter may cause a problem.
- Added Cocoa support for WindowHidden and WindowShown events in OverlayMBS class.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added GTKWindowMBS.SetIcon method.
- Fixed ACLEntryMBS.GroupFromGID function.
- Fixed RenderWebsiteImageMBS to avoid NSImageCacheException if image size would be 0/0. Now returns simply nil.
- Fixed problem in MacUSBMBS class where the device was not properly closed when no exclusive access was available.
- Fixed memory leak in MacUSBMBS class on closing.
- Fixed memory leaks with CURL plugin when using FormFinish and SetOptionHTTPHeader methods.
- Fixed console flags for AVFoundation, Picture and Barcode plugin so they compile on older Real Studio versions again for console target.
- Fixed some framework references to be weak linked so the plugins works again on older Mac OS X versions.
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
03 01 14 - 11:55