Planning Xojo (Real Studio) Developer Meetings in South California
Exact dates and times have not been set yet. But we give you two choices for each location. Please add yourself where you see fit with your schedule. For the date with most attendees, we'll pick somewhere a restaurant, reserve a table and have dinner together. At least we try to find a place we can all sit and shop talk. If you have suggestion for good locations, please tell us.
Date Surveys
So for 7th or 8th August, we plan a meeting in Los Angeles:
For 9th or 10th, we plan one in Las Vegas, maybe the Monte Carlo Hotel where next year's Xojo conference will take place:
And for 11th or 16th we plan a meeting in San Diego:
If you like to join a meeting, please add yourself, so we can find the best date. Also you may want to email us, so we put you on the list and inform you about progress. Meeting time will be around 6pm to 9pm. If you come later or leave earlier, that's no problem (as with all our meetings). Later we may be at a bar and talk more if people have time.
For all meetings, we can discuss Xojo & Real Studio as well as the current Xojo 2013r2 release (not sure if it's in alpha, beta or release state in august). And we can discuss about all your plugin related questions.
Personal meetings or trainings
It is also possible to have a personal training or meeting there, where we could review your projects, help you add plugin functions or show you what you can do with Xojo.