MBS Xojo Developer Conference Update

Stephane Pinel also confirmed he is coming. He'll present 2013r2 and show preview of 2013r3. And of course iOS will get an extra session. Not yet sure who will present iOS. Maybe Stephane, maybe Geoff via Skype or even better Joe Strout via Skype. Joe is the developer of the iOS framework for Xojo. But if Skype fails, we'd simply switch back to Stephanes copy of the iOS enabled Xojo version and do it locally.
For the attendees, we'll setup a google group (with mailing list), so you can sign up there after registration and share travel plans. Maybe some people take the same trains/flights and want to share a taxi? Email me for the invitation to the group.
We so far talked with a lot of interested people and have already a dozen people on the list to come to the conference. People from spain, USA, Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Germany already said they will come.
For the social program, I updated the infos for our sightseeing day. So if you stay longer in Germany, we'd be happy to drive you around that day.
More details and registration on the website.