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Our ChartDirector plugin can take colors either as Real Studio color or as an integer which typically comes in hex notation. For colors, ChartDirector uses the invisible ones special. So typically full alpha gives you no color (transparency). But there are 16.7 million transparent colors. And those are used for special colors in ChartDirector. So with functions like yzoneColor, linearGradientColor, dashlineColor or silveColor on CDBaseChartMBS class, you can create special colors. Those react on different values on the chart like the zone colors or give you gradients or even metallic effects.
Like this code:
    dim c1 as integer = c.yZoneColor(10,     &h80FF3333, &h80EE4433)
dim c2 as integer = c.yZoneColor(20, c1, &h80CC5533)
dim c3 as integer = c.yZoneColor(30, c2, &h80AA7733)
dim c4 as integer = c.yZoneColor(40, c3, &h80888833)
dim c5 as integer = c.yZoneColor(50, c4, &h8077AA33)
dim c6 as integer = c.yZoneColor(60, c5, &h8066CC33)
dim c7 as integer = c.yZoneColor(70, c6, &h8044EE33)
dim c8 as integer = c.yZoneColor(80, c7, &h8033FF33)

call c.addAreaLayer(data, c8)
can color a chart like this:

Do you see that this is not just a gradient, but gives 9 different strips which we can color in any color? We concat several zone colors in a long chain which is evaluated at runtime when drawing the chart. Amazing, isn't it?

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. And don't forget to check the 225 example projects for our ChartDirector plugin and the gallery for a quick overview. The biggest plugin in space...
09 08 12 - 23:05