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New cool things for Filemaker

Not sure if you read about the latest additions to our Filemaker plugins, but here some details:
We added functions to send notifications from one process to another. Well, this works fine within a application, but also between different applications. This could be anything like a Filemaker solution, a Real Studio application or even one written in Xcode or Visual Studio. For example one app can notify other app that some data is ready and can be processed. Think about a media database where the server exports a file into special location. It sends notification to some other app which processes file. Later it gets back either OK or Error notification and can react.
You can send notifications and receive them by registering a script which is called when a notification is received.
Filemaker can read/write text to/from clipboard. We now have clipboard functions to do this within a calculation. Quite nice for some special cases like querying text when a field is created automatically.
We got some requests for file open/save dialog. Asking why people need them normally gives answer that they need the path to do batch processing. To solve this on Mac, we now added FileDialog functions. With our new function FileDialogWatcher.GetLastPath you can query the last path of any Filemaker save or open dialog. For example if you have to export 50 files, you can use normal export script step for first item. Than ask plugin for the path and export other 49 files without dialog.
Dock Tile Badge
You know the dock icon from Apple mail? It shows how many unread emails you have. You can do the same with your filemaker solution by using our AppDockTile functions. Claris FileMaker Plugin
17 03 12 - 21:54