More notes
- If you recently checked the Real World 2012 website, you may have seen our logo.
- You need to use NSMetadataQueryMBS to search iCloud files for your application. In order to get this class working, I needed to implement NSMetadataItemMBS. But also I needed NSMetadataQueryResultGroupMBS, NSPredicateMBS, NSComparisonPredicateMBS, NSCompoundPredicateMBS, NSExpressionMBS and NSSortDescriptorMBS.
- You can add pictures to a PopupMenu control with our plugins for Cocoa targets. I just made an example project to show this. It's included in our prerelease. See also NSPopUpButtonMBS class.
- Arbed is the solution to convert the umlauts and special characters from Mac Roman to UTF-8 for importing very old REALbasic projects into current Real Studio.
- If you do iPhone development, don't forget to install iPhone 4.x simulator. (see Downloads section in Xcode preferences). This way you can debug both with 4.x and 5.x simulators as they show differences.