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New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Fixed bug with plugin calling GetFolderitem wrong. This affected ColorSyncProfileLocationMBS class.
- Added NSExpressionMBS class.
- Added NSSortDescriptorMBS class.
- Added NSPredicateMBS, NSCompoundPredicateMBS and NSComparisonPredicateMBS classes.
- Added NSMetadataQueryResultGroupMBS class.
- Added CFBookmarkMBS module. This is the new way with Mac OS X 10.6 to handle alias files.
- Fixed problem with WindowsSystemTrayMBS class. Some features like balloon didn't work on Windows XP, because we now compile plugins with Windows 7 SDK. And with Windows Vista some structure size changed which causes Windows XP to not show balloon.
- Added groupForUniqueId or personForUniqueId to ABAddressBookMBS class.
- On linux we now load gtk and gdk libraries with .0 in path name if needed.
- WinHIDMBS class now can use more than 520 bytes for background listening buffer.
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease
24 10 11 - 23:28