Real Studio 2011 Release 2

I'd like to comment that our plugins work just fine with the new release as far as I see. A lot of new things have been added and quite a few bugs are fixed. From the new stuff, I love this new WebMoviePlayer control. To test you can simply take the tutorial videos from our website. Copy the download links from the video page to the property panel for desktop, wifi and mobile URLs. Run the project and the video plays. With Safari 5 you are using HTML5 video right away.
Cocoa is getting better and better with every release. I suggest trying it for projects. Simply do the switch in your project and try it. If you see something you need to change, you can embed it in #if targetcocoa #endif lines. That way you can switch back to Carbon at any time. Especially with Mac OS X 10.7, the difference between Cocoa and Carbon will be more visible to your users. So you should test Cocoa very soon.
For the other new things, we got device location. Nice thing to make your web app location aware on an iPhone or iPad. For desktops (e.g. a Macbook), don't expect much accuracy. Position is detected there only by Wifi and can be easily wrong by a mile. By the way, the accuracy property is missing there, so I filled a feature request: case 17300.
Be sure to check the video highlighting some of the new features in REAL Studio 2011r2: Sneak Peek Video