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Mac OS X 10.7 Lion »
New in this prerelease of the 11.2 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed bugs in OverlayMBS position and size on Cocoa.
- Added NSWindowMBS method for child windows.
- Renamed GetCGWindowIDMBS to CGWindowMBS.GetWindowID.
- Renamed CGWindowListCreateCGImageMBS to CGWindowMBS.CreateWindowListCGImage.
- Renamed CGWindowListCreateImageMBS to CGWindowMBS.CreateWindowListImage.
- Added CGWindowMBS module.
- Fixed a bug in XMPFilesMBS.GetXMP.
- Fixed a color conversion problem from CGImage to Picture.
- Improved ExchangeFilesMBS to work on network drives for Mac.
- Added WinUSBNotificationMBS class.
- Added MacUSBNotificationMBS class.
- Fixed bug on Windows with OverlayMBS window activating even it was told to not activate.
- Added SQLValueMBS.setAsDate and SQLValueReadMBS.asDate.
- Added SQLPreparedStatementMBS class so you can use prepared statements with our SQL Plugin, too.
- GhostScriptMBS class now can run multithreaded.
- Changed GZipFileMBS Read and Write method to report lasterror = 0 if no data is read/written.
- Fixed NSSearchFieldMBS constructors.
- All GIF*MBS classes should now be fully console safe. Missed some properties.
- Workaround for feedback case #15019 in place. So PNG (and other image) functions work in console targets.
- We improved the Text Extraction example project for DynaPDF. If you use this code in your app, maybe you update to the improved code?
- Added NSWindowMBS.setFrame method with animated parameter.
- Added window.SmoothResizeCenteredMBS.
- Fixed a bug with FontDeactivateMBS.
- The XLSDocumentMBS class now accepts excel files which have not the OLE container around the actual data. Also we accept 0 for the version field as well as having no workbook, but only a single worksheet.
- Removed Thread Plugin. Moved MutexMBS class to Util plugin.
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease
05 06 11 - 12:32