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New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- Added Tag properties to MDItemMBS and MDQueryMBS.
- Added MBS.VersionString constant.
- Improved Web*DelegateMBS classes to better forward messages they don't handle. This fixes a focus issue with usign WebUIDelegateMBS class.
- Removed SUAppcastItemArrayMBS class.
- Changed SUAppcastMBS.items to return REAL Studio array of SUAppcastMBS objects.
- Added SUAppcastItemMBS.propertiesDictionary
- Added incrementalData and UserAgentString to SUAppcastMBS class.
- Added DynaPDFMBS.CreateLaunchActionEx.
- Most plugins now load libgtk if needed instead of hard linking it. This helps people which use console only applications and don't need to install gtk there.
- Updated DynaPDF 3 Plugin to version dynapdf
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease
09 03 11 - 23:05