MBS Releases the MBS Filemaker plug-in in version 2.2

The MBS plug-in extends Filemaker with over 400 functions. Very popular are our functions for controlling the webview control on your database forms. Other key features are the ability to run AppleScript or Windows Script code in your calculations, manipulate pictures and to query system informations. In version 2.2 we improve the existing functions and add a few new functions:
With our new PDFKit functions you can now download a PDF for later processing. Like extracting certain pages out of a PDF and getting text or preview pictures for pages. New functions for WebKit allow you to get the PDF file currently visible on a webviewer. The new WebView.GetURL method can be useful to query what page is currently visible in a webviewer. With our WebView GetImage and GetImageCount functions you can query details about images on a website. This is useful to download all pictures from a website.
The new Log and Msgbox functions allow you to quickly show a variable or function result in a little dialog or on the debug console. We also added new window methods to move and resize with animation. Also you can hide the window content on Mac OS X while resizing for a better animation. Please also check our WindowTransition functions.
Finally we have some receipt validation functions. You need them if you want to build a filemaker runtime solution and send it to the Apple App Store. Our code helps you to validate the receipt file. This way you can avoid illegal copies of your application. We include also a step by step guide on how to submit your application to the App Store. Please note that this is brand new and it's not 100% clear whether Apple will accept Filemaker runtimes.
Read the complete release notes here:
The plug-in is available for FileMaker 7 to 11 on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and as Universal Binary for Mac OS X. Demos are available on the website, along with license and purchasing information. Not all functions are available on both platforms, so please check the documentation.
The plugins can be downloaded on our website:
The online documentation can be found here:
For questions you can send us an email or use the feedback forms on our website.