Making use of the WebFileUploader

The first question is how the user could add pictures to the WebFileUploader control. Currently you can only use the plus button to add files, but you have to click plus for each file. So we had our first Feedback request: 15375: allow multi-file selection for webfileuploaderf. An alternative to the plus button would be to use Drag and Drop which seems to be possible in newest browsers. As far as I know Safari and Chrome can do this already, so I hope our second Feedback request may be implemented: 15374: Drag and drop for webfileuploader.
Now the user can add files, but we have no way to check if the file is valid. Maybe it's far too big to upload or not a picture file, so we may need a way to check what the user selected: 14947: We need a way to check the files selected by a user before uploading using WebFileUploader. For removing a file we don't want from the list, we need of course a remove method: 15102: WebFileUploader Additional Methods.
Now we tried the upload and detected that uploads are limited to something like 500 KB/s maximum. a 40 MB file has an upload speed of 260 KB/s on localhost. This is of course much too slow. Downloads form Web Apps can be 50 MB/s and we'd expect upload to be as fast. So we made this feedback request: 15386: Slow performance with Web Edition in RS 2010r5b1. Sadly we put our REAL Studio 2010r5b1 performance problems into the same report and can't split it now.

Now once we have the pictures on the server, we'd love to display thumbnails to the user. Now we would like to build the JPEG for the WebPicture object ourself. So we have this request: 14950: Please add WebPicture constructor taking a picture. So our JPEGExporterMBS class could create the picture and we pass it through a WebPicture to the user. With own compression settings (baseline, progressive, ICC Profile).
Finally we had the question how to make affiliates or brandings. We'd love to call the webapp with a special URL including a parameter so we can customize the appearance of our image upload tool and handle several sellers from one app with different offers: 15061: WebSession.CreatePage should give full URL for new page requested.