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Fix the Spotlight search on Mac for REAL Studio projects

With REAL Studio REAL Software changed a few IDs like the bundle ID and the document type IDs. And that changes breaks Spotlight indexing.

To fix that you can do the following:

Open REAL Studio with a right click on the application and choose "show package contents". Now open the Contents folder and locate the info.plist file. Edit this file in a text editor like BBEdit. You find something like this:
and replace it with the following by adding 3 lines for realstudio:
Next, you go down and duplicate the three dictioanries (dict tags) in the array for UTImportedTypeDeclarations below. Basicly you add this entries to the array:
			<string>REALbasic Project</string>
			<string>REALbasic Class</string>
			<string>REALbasic Window</string>

Here a fixed importer: realbasic.mdimporter.zip If you copy this one to /Library/Spotlight and delete the Importers inside your REAL Studio copies, the system should use the fixed one.

Next you can use "mdimport -L" in the Terminal and see which importer is used.
Run something like "mdimport -r /Library/Spotlight/REALbasic.mdimporter" where you point to the importer and ask to reindex files. Or use "sudo mdutil -E /" to reindex a whole system disc. Claris FileMaker Plugin
10 05 10 - 15:59