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[ANN] MonkeyBread Software starts plug-in development for REAL Server

NICKENICH, Germany (January 7th, 2010) -- Monkeybread Software starts plug-in development for REAL Server, the SQL database sever from REALsoftware. In this very first version of our plugin, we have 5 functions which may be very helpful for you:

* SoundExMBS(text as string) as string
Returns soundex string for the given text.

* RemoveAccentsMBS(text as string) as string
Returns text without accents. for example é to e

* RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitiveMBS(text as string) as string
Returns text without accents. for example é to E and Ä to A

* ReadBlobMBS(data as blob, path as string) as blob
Returns the blob if it is not null.
Or reads the file from the given path and returns the content as blob.
Path must be native path and should only contain ASCII characters.

* WriteBlobMBS(data as blob, path as string) as string
Writes the blob to the given file path. On success returns the path. On failure returns error.
Path must be native path and should only contain ASCII characters.

This plug-in is still in development and can be used for free until 31st March 2010. If you like to test it, please send us an email.
Out plug-in is tested with REALserver 2009 and works on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.

If you have questions or new ideas for plug-in functions, please email us. Also we are available for contract plug-in development. Claris FileMaker Plugin
07 01 10 - 16:58