MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 15.0pr9

- Fixed an issue with Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath on Linux adding an extra / to the path.
- Fixed Path.AddPathComponent function for Windows to automatically use slash or backslash depending on what the path has already.
- Improved Time.Format function to return empty result for empty timestamp.
- Changed functions returning CURL errors to mark this as error, so IsError function returns true. This affects CURL.Perform, CURL.FormClear, CURL.FormFinish, CURL.Upkeep, CURL.SendText, CURL.SendData, CURL.PerformAsync, CURL.WebSocketSend, CURL.WebSocketReceive, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, SendMail.PrepareCURL and various CURL.SetOption functions.
- Added variable list to Saxon.XPathQuery function.
- Added functions to set properties and parameters for Saxon.
- Fixed a timing problem with DragDrop functions for macOS where not all paths arrived when you had a lot of files.
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