MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 14.4pr1

- Improved check to XL.Initialize to return an error if the license key includes invalid characters like a space character.
- Fixed an issue in SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetGlobals function.
- Fixed DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile to return proper error message.
- Upgraded all linux compilers to newer versions.
- Reduced number of dependencies on Linux version of our plugin. Requires GLIBCXX_3.4.26 now.
- Disabled trace logging for MongoDB by default. Was accidentally enabled.
- Fixed a bug with Matrix.Text function where it would skip some columns if they were constants in SQL used to create the matrix.
- Fixed a problem with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl positioning the layer for FileMaker 21.
- Added Text.Tidy and Text.TidyErrorLog functions to tidy XML and HTML.
- Added Text.HTMLtoJSON function.
- Added XML.Tidy function.
- Changed JSON.GetArrayItemsAsList to return empty result if JSON is empty.
- Added MongoDB.CursorRecords function.
- Fixed a memory leak in Clipboard.SetFileMakerData, Clipboard.DetectFileMakerDataType and XML.Import functions.
- Improved MapView.PlanRoute function to use less memory.
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