MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 14.1pr4

- Improved Clipboard.GetRTFText, Clipboard.GetHTMLText, Clipboard.GetStyledText and Clipboard_GetText for Windows to strip out an ending NULL character if the other application added it to the clipboard text.
- Fixed a crash in ListDialog.Sort when there is no list to sort.
- Marked path functions to be free to use.
- Added check to LibXL.Initialize to return error if you use the license key for a different platform.
- Added JSON.AddValueToArray and JSON.AddValueToObject functions.
- Added fallback to Clipboard.GetText for Windows to read ANSI text if unicode text is not available.
- Added Clipboard.Clear function.
- Added possibility to hold option key for format button to get a calculation made compact for faster evaluation.
- Added parameter for SyntaxColoring.FormatCalculation to get compact output.
- Improved our RTF parser for Text.TextToRTF and Clipboard.GetStyledText function.
- Added Flags parameter to Window.List to return names instead of IDs and filter for database windows only and/or visible windows.
- Added RemoteControl.IsAltKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCapsLockKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCommandKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsControlKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsFunctionKeyDown, and RemoteControl.IsShiftKeyDown functions to check if a modifier key is down.
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