xDev Magazine 21.6 Issue
Multi-column PDFs by Stefanie Juchmes
While it's fairly easy to create a single-column PDF layout, what happens if you want to do something more sophisticated and lay out text in columns? Don't worry -- Stefanie has you covered.
Design Patterns Part 1 by Marc Zeedar
Design patterns are a great way to enforce object-oriented programming and make code easier to understand and modify. But if you aren't familiar with them, they can seem complex and intimidating. This intro lesson is the first in a new series.
Rasp Pi Electronic Fun Part 4 by Eugene Dakin
Conversion of analog voltage to digital voltage is missing in Raspberry Pi. Using a MCP3008 chip and the SPI communication protocol, this article shows how to read a voltage and display the numeric value in a listbox.
Find the Differences by Marc Zeedar
A "Find the Difference" game can be a fun mental exercise in observation. Marc uses Xojo to build an editor that lets you create these games, as well as a standalone player that can be distributed to gamers.
Plus: Topics such as Xojo 2023R3, designing gauges, sets and zip files, stored procedures, and more!