MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.5pr4

- Changed CSIdentityMBS class to have 15 properties visible in debugger.
- Changed localizedName property in CSIdentityAuthorityMBS class to be debugger visible.
- Fixed an issue with JSONMBS returning single instead of double value.
- Added ValueByteString property in JSONMBS class.
- Added ByteStringEncoding shared property to JSONMBS class.
- Added LineLengthLimit and NewLineCharacters shared properties to JSONMBS class.
- Added NewByteStringNode method to JSONMBS class.
- Added renameNode and adoptNode methods to XMLDocumentMBS class.
- Added MongoDB Watch Changes example project to show MongoChangeStreamMBS class.
- Added Constructor to StringHandleMBS class taking MemoryBlock.
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