MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.4pr1
- Added WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class.
- Added MongoSSLOptionsMBS class and SSLOptions property for MongoClientMBS class.
- Added Ping method to MongoClientMBS class.
- Improved CalculateTOTPMBS function to raise exception if the base32 key is invalid.
- Added Trace property for MongoClientMBS class.
- Rebuild MongoDB-c library with tracing support.
- Changed Count property in PhidgetFrequencyCounterMBS class from Int64 to UInt64.
- Changed SonarQuietMode property in PhidgetDistanceSensorMBS class from Integer to Boolean.
- Changed SetIdAttributeNode in XMLElementMBS class to clone new attribute if needed.
- Improved AppendChild, ReplaceChild and InsertBefore for XMLNodeMBS class to clone nodes if needed.
- Added importNode method for XMLDocumentMBS class.
- Fixed FirstDevice and Devices in WindowsBlueToothRadioInfoMBS class to pass SearchParameter correctly.
- Rewrote parts of newer Phidgets classes to be more efficient.