MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.3
Nickenich, Germany - (July 18th, 2023) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 23.3 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 80,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:
With this version, we switch from OpenSSL 1.1 to the newer version 3.1.1. While you may not notice the difference from the outside, the inside is updated for Encryption, FMAPI, RabbitMQ, SSH, Archive and CURL plugin parts. Since the new OpenSSL 3 deprecates less secure ciphers, you can enable them again with for CURLSMBS class with OptionSSLCipherList property if needed. The CipherMBS class got 49 new ciphers and a ZeroPaddingKey property while the DigestMBS class got 8 new digest methods.
For Windows we got a WinPreviewControlMBS control to preview PDF documents using the PDF viewer built-in to Windows 10 and newer.
We ported our PDFKit classes to iOS and got PDFThumbnailViewIOSControlMBS and PDFViewIOSControlMBS controls for your iOS projects to show PDF documents. The QLPreviewControllerMBS class on iOS allows you to preview various documents like Word or Excel documents. If you show pictures or PDF documents, you can allow the user to markup the document and save the final PDF document.
The XML plugin got an evaluate method to XMLDocumentMBS class to do XPath queries and return results as XMLXPathResultMBS object.
For DynaPDF we got new functions for tagged PDF formats to add tags as needed. And the AddDPartNode function allows to add Document Part Metadata right within your PDF document.
The Scintilla plugin got an improved lexer code to better highlight Xojo code. We added RegisterRGBAImage and MarkerDefineRGBAImage methods to use pictures for markers.
For HTMLViewers based on WebKit 2 on macOS and iOS we have new options for WKWebViewConfigurationMBS and WKPreferencesMBS to allow inline media playback or picture in picture playback. You can limit navigation to app bound domains and upgrade known hosts to https protocol.
We added the describe method to GMImageMBS class to provide various details for an image as text to show to the user, the ConvertImage method in WindowsPDFDocumentMBS class helps to convert HEIF or RAW images to PNG, the XLSheetMBS class can set column widths and row heights in pixels and you can filter object arrays in JSONMBS class.
Finally we updated CURL library to version 8.1.2, DynaPDF to, LibSSH to 1.11.0, LibXL to 4.2, MongoDB-c to 1.23.4, openssl to 3.1.1, RabbitMQ-c library to 0.13 and SQLite to version 3.42.0.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.