MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.3pr2

- Rewrote ScreenshotRectMBS for MacOS to work better.
- Changed DynaPDFMBS class to use Helvetica 12pt as fallback font if you write text to a new page without setting font.
- Updated LCMS to version 2.10.
- Fixed SystemInformationMBS.MACAddress to not add extra double points on the end.
- Added MainResourceData method to WKWebViewMBS class.
- Fixed problem with WriteStyledTextEx in DynaPDFMBS class to not set font with empty font name.
- Added deleteSelection, selectAll, paste, cut and copy to WKWebViewMBS class.
- Added new Type constants for LCMS2MBS module.
- Added WebArchiveData method to WKWebViewMBS class.
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