MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.3pr2
- Added gmt parameter for Time.UnixTimeStamp function.
- Added GMImage.GetZPL function.
- Updated LCMS to version 2.10.
- Tuned the syntax coloring rules for dark mode. You may need to use SyntaxColoring.FactoryDefaults to reset settings for dark mode.
- Fixed time zone handling for Time.UnixTimeStamp and Time.UnixTimeStampToFileMaker functions.
- Improved ImagePicker functions to avoid NSInternalInconsistencyException when presenting picker.
- Fixed Plugin.CompileDate to get day right.
- Changed DynaPDF functions to use Helvetica 12pt as fallback font if you write text to a new page without setting font.
- Fixed SystemInfo.MACAddress to not add extra double points on the end.
- Fixed parameters for Events.Participant.Person function.
- Added ColorPanel.GetColorName function.
- Added WebView.Version function.
- Added version parameter for WebView.Create to pick WebKit 2 and added iOS support.
- Rewrote parts of AVRecorder.AddPreviewToWindow and WebView.Create for Mac/iOS to work better. Positioning is now relative to top/left of FileMaker content.
- Added Windows support for WebView.Create using IE engine.