MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.2pr5

- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1g.
- Added constructor to XMLValidatorMBS class to take folderitem.
- Changed SQLDatabaseMBS RecordSet to pass time, date and timestamp to Xojo with the right type, so Xojo can handle them correctly.
- Added SetInternetExplorerHiDPI and GetInternetExplorerHiDPI functions to IEWebBrowserMBS class to enable proper resolution handling in HTMLviewer on Windows.
- Added TextShape class support for Object2D drawing with DynaPDFMBS class's graphics integration.
- Corrected alignment issues for TextShape/StringShape class handling with DynaPDFMBS class's graphics integration.
- Added ClearRectMode to DynaPDFMBS class to ignore calls to Graphics.ClearRect and allow background to show.
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